Source code for ftp

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
In this module, :func:`.reactToAMQPMessage` is used only for **receiving**
commands from the other side. Events caused by FTP users are handled by
:mod:` <.monitor>`.

Commands can create/change/remove users and so on. This is done by sending one
of the following structures defined in :mod:` <.structures>`:

- :class:`.AddUser`
- :class:`.RemoveUser`
- :class:`.ChangePassword`

- :class:`.ListRegisteredUsers`

- :class:`.SetUserSettings`
- :class:`.GetUserSettings`

:class:`.AddUser`, :class:`.RemoveUser` and :class:`.ChangePassword` requests
at this moment returns just simple ``True``. This may be changed later.

.. image:: /_static/user_management.png

:class:`.ListRegisteredUsers` returns :class:`.Userlist` class.

.. image:: /_static/list_registered_users.png

:class:`.SetUserSettings` and :class:`.GetUserSettings` both returns
:class:`.UserSettings` structure.

.. image:: /_static/set_get_settings.png

# Imports =====================================================================
# from settings import *
import api
import structures
import passwd_reader

# Variables ===================================================================
# Functions & objects =========================================================
def _instanceof(instance, cls):
    Check type of `instance` by matching ``.__name__`` with `cls.__name__`.
    return type(instance).__name__ == cls.__name__

# Main function ===============================================================
[docs]def reactToAMQPMessage(message, send_back): """ React to given (AMQP) message. `message` is expected to be :py:func:`collections.namedtuple` structure from :mod:`.structures` filled with all necessary data. Args: message (object): One of the request objects defined in :mod:`.structures`. send_back (fn reference): Reference to function for responding. This is useful for progress monitoring for example. Function takes one parameter, which may be response structure/namedtuple, or string or whatever would be normally returned. Returns: object: Response class from :mod:`structures`. Raises: ValueError: if bad type of `message` structure is given. """ if _instanceof(message, structures.AddUser): api.add_user( username=message.username, password=message.password ) return True elif _instanceof(message, structures.RemoveUser): api.remove_user(message.username) return True elif _instanceof(message, structures.ChangePassword): api.change_password( username=message.username, new_password=message.new_password ) return True elif _instanceof(message, structures.ListRegisteredUsers): return structures.Userlist(api.list_users()) elif _instanceof(message, structures.SetUserSettings): username = message.username # convert namedtuple to dict (python rocks) conf_dict = dict(message._asdict()) del conf_dict["username"] passwd_reader.save_user_config( username, conf_dict ) conf_dict = passwd_reader.read_user_config(username) conf_dict["username"] = username return structures.UserSettings(**conf_dict) elif _instanceof(message, structures.GetUserSettings): conf_dict = passwd_reader.read_user_config(message.username) conf_dict["username"] = message.username return structures.UserSettings(**conf_dict) raise ValueError( "Unknown type of request: '" + str(type(message)) + "'!" )