Source code for ftp.decoders.validator

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
This module provides highlevel checking of parsed data for lowlevel decoders.

It handles the unicode in keys, builds dicts from flat arrays and so on.
# Imports =====================================================================
import unicodedata

    from aleph.isbn import is_valid_isbn
    from aleph.datastructures.epublication import EPublication
except ImportError:
    from edeposit.amqp.aleph.isbn import is_valid_isbn
    from edeposit.amqp.aleph.datastructures.epublication import EPublication

from meta_exceptions import MetaParsingException

# Variables ===================================================================


# Functions & objects =========================================================
[docs]class Field: """ This class is used to represent and parse specific "key: val" pair. When you create the object, `keyword` and `descr` is specified. Optionally also `epub` parameter, which is corresponding key in :class:`EPublication <edeposit.amqp.aleph.datastructures.epublication.EPublication>` structure. Assingning value to the class is done by calling :meth:`check`, which sets the :attr:`value`, if the `key` parameter matches :attr:`keyword`. Args: keyword (str): Key for the data pair. descr (str): Description of the data pair. Used in exceptions. epub (str, default None): Corresponding keyword in EPublication structure. """ def __init__(self, keyword, descr, epub=None): #: Keyword agains :meth:`check` will try to match. self.keyword = keyword #: Description of the data pair. self.descr = descr #: Internal value. Set when :meth:`check` successfully matched the #: keyword. self.value = None #: Corresponding key in :class:`EPublication #: <edeposit.amqp.aleph.datastructures.epublication.EPublication>` #: structure. self.epub = epub if epub is not None else self.keyword
[docs] def check(self, key, value): """ Check whether `key` matchs the :attr:`keyword`. If so, set the :attr:`value` to `value`. Args: key (str): Key which will be matched with :attr:`keyword`. value (str): Value which will be assigned to :attr:`value` if keys matches. Returns: True/False: Whether the key matched :attr:`keyword`. """ key = key.lower().strip() # try unicode conversion try: key = key.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeEncodeError: pass key = self._remove_accents(key) if self.keyword in key.split(): self.value = value return True return False
[docs] def is_valid(self): """ Return ``True`` if :attr:`value` is set. Note: :attr:`value` is set by calling :meth:`check` with proper `key`. """ return self.value is not None
def _remove_accents(self, input_str): """ Convert unicode string to ASCII. Credit: """ nkfd_form = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', input_str) return u"".join([c for c in nkfd_form if not unicodedata.combining(c)])
[docs]class FieldParser: """ Class used to make sure, that all fields in metadata are present. See :doc:`/api/required` for list of required fields. """ def __init__(self): self.fields = [ Field(keyword="isbn", descr="ISBN", epub="ISBN"), Field(keyword="vazba", descr="Vazba/forma"), Field(keyword="nazev", descr="Název"), Field(keyword="misto", descr="Místo vydání", epub="mistoVydani"), Field( keyword="nakladatel", descr="Nakladatel", epub="nakladatelVydavatel" ), Field( keyword="datum", descr="Měsíc a rok vydání", epub="datumVydani" ), Field(keyword="poradi", descr="Pořadí vydání", epub="poradiVydani"), Field( keyword="zpracovatel", descr="Zpracovatel záznamu", epub="zpracovatelZaznamu" ) ] self.optional = [ Field(keyword="url", descr="Url"), Field(keyword="format", descr="Formát"), Field(keyword="podnazev", descr="Podnázev"), Field(keyword="cena", descr="Cena"), ]
[docs] def process(self, key, val): """ Try to look for `key` in all required and optional fields. If found, set the `val`. """ for field in self.fields: if field.check(key, val): return for field in self.optional: if field.check(key, val): return
[docs] def is_valid(self): """ Returns: True/False whether ALL required fields are set. """ for field in self.fields: if not field.is_valid(): return False return True
[docs] def get_epublication(self): """ Returns: EPublication: Structure when the object :meth:`is_valid`. Raises: MetaParsingException: When the object is not valid. """ if not self.is_valid(): bad_fields = filter(lambda x: not x.is_valid(), self.fields) bad_fields = map( lambda x: "Keyword '%s' (%s) not found." % (x.keyword, x.descr), bad_fields ) raise MetaParsingException( "Missing field(s):\n\t" + "\n\t".join(bad_fields) ) relevant_fields = self.fields relevant_fields += filter(lambda x: x.is_valid(), self.optional) epub_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x.epub, x.value), relevant_fields)) # make sure, that all fields present in EPublication has values also # in epub_dict for epublication_part in EPublication._fields: if epublication_part not in epub_dict: epub_dict[epublication_part] = None if not is_valid_isbn(epub_dict["ISBN"]): raise MetaParsingException( "ISBN '%s' is not valid!" % epub_dict["ISBN"] ) return EPublication(**epub_dict)
def _all_correct_list(array): """ Make sure, that all items in `array` has good type and size. Args: array (list): Array of python types. Returns: True/False """ if type(array) not in _ITERABLE_TYPES: return False for item in array: if not type(item) in _ITERABLE_TYPES: return False if len(item) != 2: return False return True def _convert_to_dict(data): """ Convert `data` to dictionary. Tries to get sense in multidimensional arrays. Args: data: List/dict/tuple of variable dimension. Returns: dict: If the data can be converted to dictionary. Raises: MetaParsingException: When the data are unconvertible to dict. """ if isinstance(data, dict): return data if isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, tuple): if _all_correct_list(data): return dict(data) else: data = zip(data[::2], data[1::2]) return dict(data) else: raise MetaParsingException( "Can't decode provided metadata - unknown structure." )
[docs]def check_structure(data): """ Check whether the structure is flat dictionary. If not, try to convert it to dictionary. Args: data: Whatever data you have (dict/tuple/list). Returns: dict: When the conversion was successful or `data` was already `good`. Raises: MetaParsingException: When the data couldn't be converted or had `bad` structure. """ if not isinstance(data, dict): try: data = _convert_to_dict(data) except MetaParsingException: raise except: raise MetaParsingException( "Metadata format has invalid strucure (dict is expected)." ) for key, val in data.iteritems(): if type(key) not in _ALLOWED_TYPES: raise MetaParsingException( "Can't decode the meta file - invalid type of keyword '" + str(key) + "'!" ) if type(val) not in _ALLOWED_TYPES: raise MetaParsingException( "Can't decode the meta file - invalid type of keyword '" + str(key) + "'!" ) return data