Source code for ftp.monitor

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
This script is used to monitor ProFTPD log and to react at certain events
(deletion of the :attr:`ftp.settings.LOCK_FILENAME`).

It is also used at API level in :mod:`edeposit.amqp` (see :func:`process_log`
and :mod:`.ftp_managerd`).

Details of parsing are handled by :mod:`.request_parser`.
# Imports =====================================================================
import os
import sys

import os.path
import logging
import argparse

import sh

import settings
from request_parser import process_import_request

# Variables ===================================================================
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Started")

# Functions & objects =========================================================
[docs]def _read_stdin(): """ Generator for reading from standard input in nonblocking mode. Other ways of reading from ``stdin`` in python waits, until the buffer is big enough, or until EOF character is sent. This functions yields immediately after each line. """ line = sys.stdin.readline() while line: yield line line = sys.stdin.readline()
[docs]def _parse_line(line): """ Convert one line from the extended log to dict. Args: line (str): Line which will be converted. Returns: dict: dict with ``timestamp``, ``command``, ``username`` and ``path`` \ keys. Note: Typical line looks like this:: /home/ftp/xex/asd bsd.dat, xex, STOR, 1398351777 Filename may contain ``,`` character, so I am ``rsplitting`` the line from the end to the beginning. """ line, timestamp = line.rsplit(",", 1) line, command = line.rsplit(",", 1) path, username = line.rsplit(",", 1) return { "timestamp": timestamp.strip(), "command": command.strip(), "username": username.strip(), "path": path, }
[docs]def process_log(file_iterator): """ Process the extended ProFTPD log. Args: file_iterator (file): any file-like iterator for reading the log or stdin (see :func:`_read_stdin`). Yields: ImportRequest: with each import. """ for line in file_iterator: if "," not in line: continue parsed = _parse_line(line) if not parsed["command"].upper() in ["DELE", "DEL"]: continue # don't react to anything else, than trigger in form of deleted # "lock" file if os.path.basename(parsed["path"]) != settings.LOCK_FILENAME: continue # react only to lock file in in home directory dir_name = os.path.dirname(parsed["path"]) if settings.LOCK_ONLY_IN_HOME: if dir_name != settings.DATA_PATH + parsed["username"]: continue # deleted user if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(parsed["path"])): continue # old record, which doesn't need to be parsed again if os.path.exists(parsed["path"]): continue "Request for processing from user '%s'." % parsed["username"] ) yield process_import_request( username=parsed["username"], path=os.path.dirname(parsed["path"]), timestamp=parsed["timestamp"], logger_handler=logger )
[docs]def main(filename): """ Open `filename` and start processing it line by line. If `filename` is none, process lines from `stdin`. """ if filename: if not os.path.exists(filename): logger.error("'%s' doesn't exists!" % filename) sys.stderr.write("'%s' doesn't exists!\n" % filename) sys.exit(1)"Processing '%s'" % filename) for ir in process_log(sh.tail("-f", filename, _iter=True)): print ir else:"Processing stdin.") for ir in process_log(_read_stdin()): print ir # Main program ================================================================
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="""ProFTPD log monitor. This script reacts to preprogrammed events.""" ) parser.add_argument( "FN", type=str, default=None, help="""Path to the log file. Usually '%s'. If not set, stdin is used to read the log file.""" % settings.LOG_FILE ) parser.add_argument( "-v", '--verbose', action="store_true", help="Be verbose." ) parser.add_argument( "-vv", '--very-verbose', action="store_true", help="Be very verbose (include debug messages)." ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if args.very_verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.debug("Logger set to debug level.")"Running as standalone program.") try: main(args.FN) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0)