Source code for ftp.decoders.parser_xml

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
This submodule is used to parse metadata from XML_ (``.xml``) files.

.. _XML:

Format schema::

        <item key="key">value</item>

Example of valid data::

        <item key="ISBN knihy">80-86056-31-7</item>
        <item key="Vazba knihy">brož.</item>
        <item key="Nazev knihy">standalone2.xml</item>
        <item key="Misto vydani">Praha</item>
        <item key="Nakladatel">Garda</item>
        <item key="Datum vydani">09/2012</item>
        <item key="Poradi vydani">1</item>
        <item key="Zpracovatel zaznamu">Franta Putsalek</item>

See :doc:`/workflow/required` for list of required fields.
#= Imports ====================================================================
import dhtmlparser

import validator
from meta_exceptions import MetaParsingException

#= Functions & objects ========================================================
[docs]def decode(data): """ Handles decoding of the XML `data`. Args: data (str): Data which will be decoded. Returns: dict: Dictionary with decoded data. """ dom = None try: dom = dhtmlparser.parseString(data) except Exception, e: raise MetaParsingException("Can't parse your XML data: %s" % e.message) root = dom.find("root") # check whether there is <root>s if not root: raise MetaParsingException("All elements have to be inside <root>.") # and make sure, that there is not too many <root>s if len(root) > 1: raise MetaParsingException("Too many <root> elements in your XML!") items = root[0].find("item") # check for items if not items: raise MetaParsingException("There are no <items> in your XML <root>!") decoded = [] for item in items: if "key" not in item.params: raise MetaParsingException( "There is no 'key' parameter in %s." % str(item) ) decoded.append([ item.params["key"], item.getContent().strip() ]) decoded = validator.check_structure(decoded) return decoded